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SRX3982354: PCR of 16s rRNA of Dugesia japonica metagenome:
1 ILLUMINA (Illumina HiSeq 2500) run: 2,464 spots, 616,000 bases, 354,491b downloads

Design: Worms were briefly rinsed with sterile worm water in a petri dish to remove external microbes. Individual worms or fragments were then placed into a sterile 1.5 mL tube containing 400uL 1X PBS, using a sterile wooden dowel. Worms were then homogenized using a sterile pestle, and the homogenate serial diluted to 10-3. 80uL of each dilution was plated and spread on BHI agar plates, and plates were incubated aerobically at room temperature for five days. After incubation, bacterial colonies were grouped and tallied based on morphology. One representative colony of each morphotype was selected, DNA extracted, PCR of the 16S rRNA gene performed, the amplified product sequenced via sanger sequencing, and the identify of each morphotype confirm by classifying the sequence
Submitted by: Tufts University
Study: Bacterial species isolated from Dugesia japonica Genome sequencing and assembly
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Planarian worms have been used for decades as models for development and regeneration. These worms live in aquatic environments with constant exposure to microbes, but the diversity of planarian microbiomes and the mechanisms by which bacteria may mediate regeneration outcomes are largely unknown. We characterized the taxonomic and functional diversity of the Dugesia japonica microbiome using culture-based approaches, amplicon metagenomics, and metatranscriptomics. We also determined how individual members of the D. japonica microbiome impact regeneration outcomes.
Sample: PCR_Blank_3
SAMN08935688 • SRS3207184 • All experiments • All runs
Name: PCR_Blank_3
Instrument: Illumina HiSeq 2500
Strategy: AMPLICON
Selection: PCR
Layout: PAIRED
Runs: 1 run, 2,464 spots, 616,000 bases, 354,491b
Run# of Spots# of BasesSizePublished


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